About the Artist

My name is Madi Hannan, and, no, my middle name is not Catherine! I'm a local science teacher and self-taught artist. My artist pseudonym, "Madicat," began when I was in high school. After a long-running joke about how much I loved cats, I decided to take on the persona as a part of my art. Hence, the name "Art by Madicat" was born, although most people just call me "Madi!" (And yes, I still really love cats!) I have been creating art in the New Orleans area as a "side hustle" since I was 14 years old. Creating art is a passion of mine; there is nothing greater than spreading joy through art, whether it be through public murals, commissioned portraits, custom ornaments, and more. When I'm not teaching or creating, I like spending time doing dog sports with my dog, Jacques, baking, playing games, and napping with my cat, Butters.